[Editorial] poor in the Self-Defense Forces Middle East dispatch ...

0 years of the Middle East Middle East in 0: A Political Overview ... In the Middle East the dispatch of the Self-Defense Forces, attached is a big question mark on the need and rationale. The government, [coalition] of aiming the United States led the ship protection in the Strait of Hormuz in Iran off the coast not applied for, are considering their own dispatch the Self-Defense Forces. The situation in the Middle East is, can not be denied was worse in the tilt of the confrontation of the United States and Iran. The month in the vicinity of the Strait of Hormuz, the Japanese tanker was attacked. That said, do not have frequent attacks on Japan-related vessels at present. Yoshihide Suga Chief Cabinet Secretary also ship escort of Japan and [immediately not in a situation that requires the implementation]. So why to dispatch the Self-Defense Forces. The biggest reason is probably because the United States has been forced to join the coalition of the willing. [Country of the ship should keep in their own country] and the intention of playing cards the President to insist can not be ignored.

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