. Please tell us about the current state of the Israeli ...

0 years of the Middle East Middle East in 0: A Political Overview ... . Please tell us about the current state of the Israeli / Palestinian problem. Israel / Palestine issue is triggered by the anti-Semitism and that the imperialism of the One was born in modern Europe problem. First is about anti-Semitism, but the original Jews of Europe, or the aim of maintaining the cultural autonomy and religious life, such as or aimed at assimilation into Christian society, it was a really different way of life. Anti-Semitism that was uplifting in the second half of century, originally raised tailoring the Jews are diverse in the Jewish race] of monolithic, and was a racist ideology that views the race and [inferiority]. This of anti-Semitism has reached the apex, was the Holocaust by Nazi Germany of the 1980s (the Jewish genocide). Response to the anti-Semitism, from among some Jews of Europe, took place a movement to try to make the Jewish state was moved to was the ancient kingdom of Israel [Zion Hill] (Palestine). This is called Zionism movement. In general, you it is often because the Holocaust took place is Israel's founding is explained that it was necessary, but in fact is not tied directly to this one event.

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