The situation in the Middle East is what happens in the ...

0 years of the Middle East Middle East in 0: A Political Overview ... Trends in oil prices To Platts Dubai crude oil 0 date in the futures market of the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM), turn the I was, but then dropped to $ 0.00, in the month, rose to $ 0.00. Of the month is the most recent high, but does not reach the $ 0.00, down at the feet has become limited. Underpin prices over the Strait of Hormuz tension In this way that are seen as factors that underpin the price, especially military tension On the Strait of Hormuz. But was also described in a previous column, the Strait of Hormuz Saudi Arabia, Iran, is an important feed-out path of crude oil to be produced in the Persian Gulf coast of the oil powers such as Iraq, every day 00 million barrels of crude oil the tanker to pass through the loading of you have. I an important base from which it can be said that the life line of the oil supply for the world. Case to the price reaction in the vicinity of the Strait of Hormuz Month and day in Oman Strait close to such Strait of Hormuz, has been reported that oil tanker cough were attacked.

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